
philip bird

Marine & Civil Maintenance – Coworker Profile

What is your venture?

Marine & Civil Maintenance is a remedial contractor for marine-based infrastructure such as Ports, Wharves and Bridges.  Normally we operate on the Eastern Seaboard, so this is our first project in Western Australia. We are currently working at the Mid West Ports Authority (MWPA) fixing the concrete and steel structural elements.

What inspired your work?

A lack of maturity in the industry 17 years ago, when our business was incorporated.

What’s your focus for the next 3 months?

MWPA – getting things going there.  We’re picking up progress which is great news.

How can people connect or contribute to your venture’s success?

Always keen to hear about the local community – we try to engage local partners in everything we do.

For more information, please email Phil via or visit the website>

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