
Pollinators Communication Policies

Pollinators communication policies

When do Pollinators newsletters come out? As a member, how do I communicate with and through Pollinators? Do Pollinators value influencing policy ahead of helping individual members ventures? 

Thanks to members asking exactly these questions, Pollinators recently finalised updated Communication Policies. These new documents are will be a useful reference for all members, partners. These policies and the draft ‘Minimum Service Standards’ will guide how staff allocate time and resources to communication.

Some interesting snippets from the three parts of the policies include:

  • Clarifying three main audiences of Members, Community and Influencers (in Part 1),
  • Clear prioritisation of activities e.g. “Influencing Community and Influencers’ over ‘One-on-one advice to members’ (in Part 1),
  • Defining our ‘tone’ e.g. ‘platform more than push’, and ‘Appreciating more than selling and self-promotion’ (in Part 1),
  • Clarification on the frequency and type of different newsletters (in Part 2):
    • Fortnightly brief updates to members (200 subscribers) every second and fourth Thursday,
    • Monthly full updates to subscribers (1400 subscribers) on 1st Monday,
    • Single Story‘ emails about activities, events or profiles.
  • Updated links for members to submit events, posts and stories (in Part 2 and summarised below),
  • ‘Themes’ for communication e.g. “Technology and Creative”, “Health and Social Services” (in Part 2),
  • Social Media policy advising us to ‘not tell secrets’, ‘be honest’, and ‘think about consequences’ (in Part 3).

All the policies are visible for members in Podio via links below. Feedback and suggestions for improvements from our members are welcome – just comment against the relevant policy:

  1. Podio Communications Policy – part 1 – Purpose, Ethos and Tone  — or PDF Communications Policy – part 1 – Purpose, Ethos and Tone
  2. Podio Communications Policy – part 2 – Channels, Formats and Themes — or PDF Communications Policy – part 2 – Channels, Formats and Themes
  3. Podio Communications Policy – part 3 – Social Media – thanks to — or PDF Communications Policy – part 3 – Social Media

The most immediately useful links for members are below:

Submissions via Podio is preferred. Pollinators may publish or promote links in different Formats and in line with our Priorities, tone and ethos. Deadline for contributions is Wednesday 1:30pm. For further guidance, please review the policies linked above and the images below/attached.


Our calendar has ‘member’ & ‘Pollinators’ events. They may be promoted through posts, newsletters or stories.


Posts are snippets of news with links. They may be promoted on Podio to members, in newsletters or on social media.


Stories are 300-word profiles of members, ventures, activities. They are posted as blogs and featured in newsletters.

Pollinators exists to nurture people and innovations that enable healthy, resilient communities. Our services, programs and events deliver outcomes for the individuals, their ventures, and our wider community, ensuring we are all #winning. Membership is open to innovators, entrepreneurs and organisations who share our values: being connected, collaborative and creative.

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