Ersilia offers coaching and mentoring where your guided to find more passion, power and purpose for what you do in your projects, life or business. This will motivate you to be more focused, engaged and driven to confidently succeed long term. Resulting in more engagement, energy, satisfaction and joy.
Through her one to one sessions, programs or group workshops Ersilia teaches you how emotional awareness can be used for better performance and how intuition creates more effective decisions leading to long lasting sustainability.
Ersilia found Basecamp helped her define the market more precisely and really connect with other inspiring entrepreneurs.
“The group exchange was very valuable and allowed a bouncing board to hear other people’s ideas about how they see your business instead of having to work it all out alone with an outsiders perspective.”
“Base camp allowed me to really get clarity on how to create mentoring or coaching programs that would sell and to define how the inspiring breaks wellness weekends fitted in to my customers journey.” Ms Tarantino said.
Ersilia is dedicated to support you in creating a balanced, joyful & inspired life, project, business or relationship.
Need coaching and mentoring support to find more passion, power and purpose?
Get in contact with Ersilia at
Want to kick start your business? The next round of BaseCamp starts on March 6th, register your interest now.
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