Pollinators Inc and partners are excited to be hosting a networking event for Digital and IT professionals, featuring three leading technology entrepreneurs and investors: Rob Nathan, Matt McFarlane and Greg Johnston.
Over drinks and food, you are invited to:
- Meet and network with fellow digital and IT professionals,
- Hear from Rob and Matt about trends in technology business in Australia,
- Contribute to discussions about future, regular events of this type.
PLEASE RSVP for Drinks and Catering
Rob Nathan’s background includes:
- Co-founding AMCOM Upstart software-focused accelerator,
- Founding Australiantenders.com,
- Secretary of eGroup
Matt McFarlane’s background includes:
- Co-founding Yuuwa Capital
- Director of multiple technology companies including AgWorld, AEGIC and iCetana
We hope this will be the first in a regular series of networking events for web developers, ISPs, hardware and networking providers, app and software developers and digital consultants to meet, learn and do business together.
This event is made possible thanks to AMCOM Upstart, Pollinators Inc, Regional Development Australia Midwest Gascoyne, Mid West Development Commission and the Australian Government’s Digital Enterprise program.