

Lia Thornton – Member Profile

Who are you? 

I am an eighteen year old that has recently finished high school, moved out of home and am learning the ropes of the adult world. (Quick tip: don’t move out of home, kids!)

I love being around different people with different backgrounds, as I enjoy knowing about people’s lives and stories they have to tell. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, and partaking in various hobbies that allow me to ‘chill out’.

What are you working on? 

Currently, I am focusing on learning all of the platforms and programs that come with being CityHive Host and Community Admin! I have learnt so much already and it is very exciting to know that I can use these skills later on in life as well.

Who do you collaborate with? 

I collaborate with Angie West (Space Lead) and Andrew Outhwaite (Community Lead), my two bosses – who are awesome and teach me so many new things!

I also collaborate with my friends and family who all are always there to support me one hundred percent.

Is there an innovation you’re loving right now? 

I am definitely appreciating the Mac thunderbolt cable to connect my Mac to my TV (which supports my movie marathon watching)!

Is there a time when you are most creative?

I don’t think there’s really a specific time where I am ‘most’ creative. I have good days and slow days really, where I sometimes can think of all of these new and productive things to do and other times just not think at all.

Pollinators exists to nurture people and innovations that enable healthy, resilient communities. Our services, programs and events deliver outcomes for the individuals, their ventures, and our wider community, ensuring we are all #blooming. Membership is open to innovators, entrepreneurs and organisations who share our values: being connected, collaborative and creative.

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