Who are you?
Me! Always have been, always will be. Otherwise, Apithology practitioner, Cheng Hsin player, Learning enabler, lover, friend, investor, prone to taking myself too seriously.
What are you working on?
My roles include Community Lead at Pollinators, Director of StartupWA, Bendigo Bank and Geraldton Airlines, and facilitator of an “Increasing Consciousness” group. I’m working on embodying qualities like revelation, accountability, appreciation and being a better investor.
Who do you collaborate with?
People and organisations who are clear on their core strengths, open about learning, aligned in our bigger vision and where we can agree on a platform or project for collaboration. Generally on things that are enabling of some ‘meta’ learning that’s interesting while also being highly practical e.g. regional innovation ecosystems, city-scale ethical investment strategies, collaboration across community advocacy campaigns.
Is there an innovation you’re loving right now?
My definition of ‘innovation’ and ‘technology’ is broad so: Apithology, Cheng Hsin, GTD, Holacracy, coworking, kites, crossfit, podcasts, Ai Wei Wei’s art are all revolutionary. Digital technology is disrupting everything, which is fascinating and beautiful even in its destruction.
Is there a time when you are most creative?
Anytime I’m working within constraints with committed collaborators. I associate creativity with contribution more than ‘expression’. Although, I do treasure time in early mornings and late night for reflection, illustration, writing in solitude.
You can connect with Andrew in his role at Pollinators @Community Lead on Podio, community@pollinators.org.au. For his other roles visit his personal landing page and website.
Pollinators exists to nurture people and innovations that enable healthy, resilient communities. Our services, programs and events deliver outcomes for the individuals, their ventures, and our wider community, ensuring we are all #winning. Membership is open to innovators, entrepreneurs and organisations who share our values: being connected, collaborative and creative.
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