
Chantelle Prince

Featured Member: Chantelle Prince

We regularly interview, feature and promote Pollinators members. This time we’re learning more about  Chantelle Prince.

“Once Were Trees” is the slogan for PalletMorph, Chantelle Prince’s wooden pallet upcycling business; and a basic fact she would have us all be more aware of.

Chantelle’s roles include mother, woodworker, online activist and social entrepreneur. The furniture pieces she makes from discarded pallets are functional and beautifully rustic. She said the idea for PalletMorph came when she heard about the mountain of pallets at the Geraldton tip.

“It is awesomely huge there is so much wood there and it is all destined for landfill. You’re not even allowed to take it, that is a liability thing,” Ms Prince said.

“I get my pallets at the moment from the hospital. Basically what I am trying to do is stop them getting to the pallet mountain in the first place. There are plenty of businesses that want you to take their pallets because it saves them taking them to the tip and it is such lovely wood, chemical free and naturally anti-bacterial” she said.

Prior to the birth of her three year old son Hugo, Chantelle worked as a cabinet assembler for kitchen and cabinet manufactures in Geraldton and Perth.

“Virtually all built-in cabinets are made from formaldehyde filled, particle board and if there is the slightest mark on the laminate it gets landfilled, it’s such a waste,” she said.

“ I want people to remember  that even chipboard was once trees.”

Popularity for Chantelle’s unique furniture is growing and she is currently preparing to exhibit work at the Geraldton Museum next month. The Reclaim Regain exhibition will feature three other upcycle artists including fellow Pollinators member Rose Holdaway.  The exhibition will be on display from the 5th to the 28th of April Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 4:00pm.

Chantelle is also administrator for the “Sustainable Geraldton” open group on Facebook, this is one avenue she uses to spread awareness about global social and environmental issues, and local solutions.

Partway through a Bachelor of Arts in Sustainable Development, one solution to sustainable living Chantelle is working on is a design for “family hamlets”. The design would use environmentally friendly dwellings to make the walls around a courtyard playground providing both community and a safe environment  for children. The concept is posted on the City Of Greater Geraldton’s Civic Evolution site. To find out more about the project and discuss how it could develop go to .

To see Chantelle’s PalletMorph creations or check out links to DIY pallet upcycling ideas go to or drop into the Pollinators City Hive to see the furniture in action.

One Response to Featured Member: Chantelle Prince

  1. Ronald Vandermoon July 24, 2012 at 4:21 pm #

    Recycling is of course very important these days since our environment is getting more and more polluted. ,””.;

    Have a great day!“>

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