Who are you?
…says Absolem the caterpillar in ‘Alice in Wonderland’. I share the same reply as Alice, ‘well I hardly know sir’. Life has taken me on an amazing journey where I am learning more about myself every day. I love who I am now and who I am becoming – a fun, vibrant and caring person who loves food and the ocean, supported by my incredible husband Brendon and our three gorgeous children Lailah, Elijah and Buba B.
What are you working on?
I support Bush Heritage Australia’s West Executive Manager and Team in an administrative role and our organisation’s national Aboriginal Partnerships Program.
I work in a local primary school as the Aboriginal Islander Education Officer and as an independent surf coach for a couple of the local surf schools in Geraldton.
I am also taking a break from studying towards a degree in Health Sciences!
Who do you collaborate with?
I collaborate with our Bush Heritage Australia team both in the West and nationally, our local community members and those involved in culture, surf and education groups.
Is there a time when you are most creative?
After a restful sleep, after a surf, surrounded by positive vibes, a belly full of wholesome food and some swinging 50’s music in the background.
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