Imagine yourself in Steve’s shoes: He’s enthusiastic about innovation and has the CEOs’ support to run a innovation workshop. Steve, however, was less enthusiastic about actually leading the process. While Steve has deep technical expertise in his department, he wasn’t confident about generating new ideas relevant to the whole organisation. But now, after a bit of research and some mentoring from an innovation […]
Archive | Tools
Tools relevant for ventures especially for doing innovation. Posts with this category will show up on the innovation home page and news feed.
Affordable advice on the latest digital tools
Pollinators is reaffirming its commitment to ensuring Mid West residents are tech savvy enough to be at the forefront of innovation by hosting fortnightly ‘Digital Dojo’ workshops on different digital tools. The first session Wednesday April 27 from 12.30 to 1.30pm will help anyone who uses photos to market their business or community group by introducing them […]
Pollinators communication policies
When do Pollinators newsletters come out? As a member, how do I communicate with and through Pollinators? Do Pollinators value influencing policy ahead of helping individual members ventures? Thanks to members asking exactly these questions, Pollinators recently finalised updated Communication Policies. These new documents are will be a useful reference for all members, partners. These policies and the draft ‘Minimum Service Standards’ will […]
Seven considerations for successful collaboration
Author: Andrew Outhwaite Here at Pollinators we recognise that no matter how hardworking, well-informed or creative we may be as individuals or organisations, there are limits to what can be achieved alone. Realising big ideas, pursuing breakthrough innovations or transforming communities are best done with others, in collaboration. Recently, I participated on Aboriginal land management in […]
Pitch, Plan and Projections
Each year we have several events and programs, like Catalyst and Startup Weekend, where participants present their idea for a new innovation or venture to an audience. This can sometimes be the pinnacle of months or preparation, or just a few hours. However people come to this point it’s usually a key moment in the development of […]
Peer Learning: Podio as an all-in-one management solution
Pollinators hosted a peer learning session to discuss use of Podio to enhance team productivity in different organisational contexts. This post outlines some general recommendations from the conversations, and has specific suggestions for particular users and purposes, This session was attended by people in executive or manager-level roles within small to medium organisations. This conversation continued pre- and post-session within […]
Field Notes on Collaborative Ecology — Blues for the Bush presentation
Blues for the Bush combines a open day with evening entertainment at Bush Heritage Australia’s Charles Darwin Reserve, east of Perenjori. As part of the open day, Gunduwa Regional Conservation Organisation hosted a series of presentations on ‘collaboration’. Guiding questions for speakers included: Why collaborate, what is it all about, and is it ‘old’ or ‘new’. Collaboration is one […]
Peer Learning: Which platform or CMS to use for your website?
Pollinators hosted a peer learning session to discuss the relative merits of different web platforms (which includes ‘content management systems’ or CMS) for different users, audiences and purposes. This post outlines some general recommendations from the conversations, and has specific suggestions for different users or purposes. This session was mainly attended by those who professionally build and develop websites, and […]
Flock opening — learning, commitment and characteristics
Here’s a summary of some of they key points from the first Flock session. Making a commitment to (at least) one thing you will do to make Flock a success for you. The end of the session was most important — your commitment is something we will check in with at the second and subsequent sessions. This […]
Learning Marketplace — learnings, partners and platforms
On Thursday 20th March 2014, representatives from local and state government, non-profit and business came together at CityHive for the launch of the Midwest Learning Marketplace pilot project. Below is a summary and some of the highlights of the conversations, which are the basis for Pollinators expanding stakeholder engagement and developing the technology to meet […]
How to discover and share the best of Geraldton?
Pollinators hosted a “Brains Trust” session on how to discover and share the best of Geraldton. This blog posts summarises some of the thinking and opportunities shared by those who attended from government, business, community organisations and even some tourists. We’ll introduce some ‘design thinking’, background to the project and share some interesting discoveries and […]
6 ways you can create a more lively Geraldton before Christmas
There are some great opportunities and a lot of energy for creating a more vibrant city centre in Geraldton at the moment: Council’s vibrancy strategy is a great guiding document, Our city centre is already home to some world-class urban art, award-winning cultural institutions like the WA Museum, creative local retailers and cafes and recreational opportunities, […]
Digital Cluster Event – 24th September 2013
On the evening of the 24th we were joined by web developers, ISPs, hardware and networking providers, app and software developers and digital consultants for the What’s App with You and Digital Net-Working Goodness events. The event allowed attendees the unique opportunity to share ideas about how digital industries can be supported, and hear the […]