Three local social entrepreneurs attracted cash investment from a well-fed crowd of micro-funders on Friday night.
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Lara from Leaning Tree Community School received investment to grow a vertical garden, Angie from Kids Hub got seed-funding to pilot a program of recycling that provides materials for children’s education, and Mark attracted support for a program to reduce plastic waste in our community so we can promote our clean and green environment to tourists.
Friday was the first ‘GeroSoup’ event, inspired by a similar event in Detroit, USA that has now spread around the world. The concept is straightforward – participants doante $10, enjoy a shared meal of soup, hear 3-minute pitches about creative, social or environmental project that will benefit our community. Each person votes to allocate $10 to their favourite venture. In 3 months time the entrepreneurs will report back on the impact of the funding and their project.
The first GeroSoup event coincided with Pollinators AGM, and embodies the organisation’s values of enabling members to connect, collaborate and support each other’s creative ventures. Rather than a traditional business networking event that focuses on just drinking free alcohol and networking for self-interest, events like GeroSoup allow people and innovations to be nurtured, creating a healthy, resilient community.
Pollinators Inc will repeat GeroSoup regularly, and the amazing soup was donated by St John of God Hospital Geraldton.
Captioned images of the event can be accessed via
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