
Gail Metcalfe-Bennett_Head Shoulders_WebPage

Featured Member: Gail Metcalfe-Bennett

In this article we meet Gail Metcalfe-Bennett from Business EQuillibruim.For as long as Gail can remember she has always loved learning and sharing knowledge, particularly about people and business – and business coaching enables her to do both.

How did it all begin?

In 2001, Gail was employed as the Flexible Learning Coordinator at Central West College of TAFE (now Durack), had a week’s holiday and decided to enrol in a UWA extension program called: “How to run better business meetings.” After chatting to Ted Thacker throughout the course – a partner from international coaching company Shirlaws – he realised her potential and asked her  to attend a coach training session in Sydney.

“Needless to say, I was on the plane to Sydney 3 weeks later. Within in the first 30 minutes on the Day 1 of training, as Darren Shirlaw (the Founder) was presenting, I knew beyond a doubt that Business Coaching was for me! I knew I found my calling and as they say ‘the rest is history…'”

What are you passionate about?

“What inspires me is learning and sharing knowledge about people and business, so that others can discover, activate and maximise their own unique value and make a real difference in their business, their lives and the lives of the those they serve.”

Gail continues to work with people in business so they can see their own unique value, and that of their business – respectfully guiding them so that they can create the greatest value for the good of all concerned.

What are you proud of?

“Having the courage and wisdom to seek out and follow my chosen path. I am grateful that this path has led me to realise that my life’s work is to discover, activate and maximise my own unique value and serve others to do the same for themselves, for the good of all concerned.”

Are you interested in receiving coaching or attending the next seminar / workshop?

Contact Gail Metcalfe-Bennett at Business EQuilibrium: email: or mobile 0438 382 574.

Or, contact Samantha Whittington, Admin & Events Coordinator: or mobile 0488 585 901.

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