
the pollinators board

Pollinators’ Annual General Meeting 2017

Another year has been and gone which means it’s AGM time… Pollinators jazzed up its 2017 AGM by holding it during the GeroSoup event on the 26th of April, providing an extra incentive for attendees.

With the smell of soup in the air, the Pollinators’ Board and visitors got the AGM underway to discuss the highlights of 2016. Pollinators board chair, Paul Dyer, facilitated the meeting and welcomed anyone who wanted to be a part of the movement to join Pollinators in discussing the way forward.

The AGM kicked off by highlighting the recent personnel changes to the organisation. The sad farewell of previous Community Lead, Samille Mitchell is bittersweet as the inspiring individual continues to support Pollinators while the new Community Lead, Kirsty Kipling settles in. Angie West continues as “Pollinators’ Space Lead Extraordinaire” while Andrew Outhwaite’s previous role as Learning Lead remains vacant. Despite the loss of valued individuals, it is hard not to smile with new CityHive Host, Emma Bateman buzzing around the Hive.

Many positive outcomes were discussed at the AGM, showing Pollinators’ year of 2016 in a new light. One good outcome from 2016 being the lowered burden of financial rent placed on Pollinators and neighbouring community organisations.

“We have a very supportive landlord and owner so we pay very little rent next to Headspace and this allows us to pass on very low rent to other organisations like ACDC, Yamatji Arts and Comedy Emporium who don’t have much money” Mr Dyer said.

The potential of the CreativeHub space (above the Headspace building) was also discussed. Highlighted, were the perks of the promising space but also the recent challenges it presented with regards to the building’s structure and age. The search for additional funds to build toilets in this historically old building continues…

With regards to learning, Pollinators has facilitated many educational projects in 2016, including Catalyst and Kickstart. The Pollinators’ Innovation Agenda has supported a number of projects such as GovHack, Goodness Festival and Groundswell.

Many additional organisations were mentioned during the AGM as being huge supporters of Pollinators Inc.

“The only reason we are able to run as efficiently as we do and gain a small profit is because we gain huge support from corporate departments such as Masters IT and Panaceum” said Mr Paul Dyer.

“We have our books audited at no cost, free senior HR support and legal advice plus discounts on local catering from JaffleShack and Culinary HQ.”

The board would like to express a massive thanks to all of Pollinators’ supporters because without them, Pollinators would struggle to continue.

Pollinators Inc is an organisation created for the community. We, at Pollinators rely on YOUR support so that we can in turn support YOU as members of our local community.

Download the following documents for more information on AGM:

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