
We Love Local?

Does buying local really makes our community or world a better place? Who is local, anyway? 

What are other criteria I could use to guide how I buy? If I want to sell or market my local services, how can I do this better?

It’s those sort of questions from our members, partners and community that have prompted the ‘We Love Local?’ Swarm

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There are multiple ways to get involved in the discussions, events, training and surveys:


Pollinators, Regional Development Australia Mid West and Gascoyne are conducting this survey as part of the “We Love Local?” month of events and activities in March. Find out more about the events at The two surveys (one for individuals, one for businesses) are designed to help understand what the perceptions, attitudes, behaviours and opportunities are around ‘buying local’. This information will be useful for business, government and citizens who care about developing the local economy. All responses will be kept strictly anonymous and confidential. The survey should take no more than 5 minutes.

Individual (consumer / buyer) survey

Organisational (business / seller) survey

Three people that complete either survey will each win one of three $100 gift vouchers — one each from Drylands Permaculture Nursery, Culinary HQ and Mitchell & Brown.

Panel Discussion

We Love Local? The ethics, marketing and economics of buying local. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM

Register for Panel Discussion

This event will kick-off a month of discussion on the allure and economics of buying, procuring, eating or even banking local. Everyone from government policy-makers to weekend coffee-drinkers think about the social and economic impact of ‘local’, and it’s a conversation that needs to be had. Guests on this combined webinar / live session include:

  • Greg Payne of Karara Mining
  • Jason McFarlane of Pracsys Economics
  • Paula Fletcher of ‘We Love KB’ maps
  • Johnny Barber of Dryland Permaculture Farm

Does buying local really makes our community or world a better place? Who is local, anyway? What are other criteria I could use to guide how I buy? If I want to sell or market my local services, how can I do this better?

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the training.


Workshop & Training

Register for Workshop

This workshop will bring together the insights and expertise from the previous weeks and offer you insights, tools and tips to make the most of ‘localism’.

Guest presenters will include:

  • John Stanley of John Stanley Associates — Retail consultant and reputable speaker and adviser on growing local enterprise
  • Rebecca Davidson of Progress Economics (WA) — Rebecca is a postgraduate trained economist working with a wide range of regional clients
  • Milton Milroy of MEEDAC — MEEDAC have established innovative local food enterprises through contracts to Karara Mining
  • Mark Weston of Bookara Goat Dairy — Mark’s established a local Goat Dairy that sells cheeses in the Midwest and across the state
  • Gavin Treasure of Mid West Development Commission —Gavin’s passionate and well-informed about the power of localism to transform towns and regions
  • Wendy Norris of Geraldton Organised Primary Producers — Wendy leads GOPP — a Midwest success story taking a collaborative approach to local buying

Benefits from attending will include:

  • Get valuable insights from expert and experienced guest speakers,
  • Discuss strategies and tactics for improving marketing and procurement of local products and services,
  • Connect with new partners, collaborators and service providers,
  • Get the ‘facts’ about perceptions and habits, as documented through the survey results.

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We Love Local? is brought to you in partnership with