June 2016
Lunchtime Labs – Realising the vision for Social Enterprise
Andrew Outhwaite recently attended the Social Enterprise Masters conference in Melbourne, presenting Pollinators as a case study of social enterprise in regional Australia. There were presentations from global leaders, policy makers and some fantastic fat-growing enterprises from around Australia. The conference was very inspirational and timely, as the social enterprise 'movement' continues to grow in number, impact and visibility in Australia. This session is a chance for local NFPs, Entrepreneurs and Social Enterprises to get insights into what happened, make links, connections…
Find out more »July 2016
Member Monthly Morning Meetup
About Morning Meetups: First Wednesday of every month we share coffee, breakfast and facilitate networking and discussions with other members: Relaxed but professional facilitation to ensure everyone feels at ease while still being productive, Open meeting so you can join when and for how long you choose, Diverse mix of people from across business, government, charities, community groups and more. How to Participate: Register. Free for Members and RSVP via Podio. Non-members pay $20 and RSVP at http://bit.ly/poll_public_rsvp Bring your breakfast. Or enjoy a discount on food and coffee from Jaffle…
Find out more »July Member Social Meetup – GovHack Preview
July Member Social Meetup - GovHack Preview We've moved this month's social meetup forward to Thursday July 14 to coincide with Christmas in July celebrations in Marine Terrace Mall. Come join the vibrant and cosy winter vibe in the street and shops near Pollinators before and after our members' meetup. This meetup we will learn about what's in store for GovHack's 'Hackathon' from July 29 to 31. As part of GovHack, teams have 46 hours to create a project page, proof of concept…
Find out more »Lunchtime Lab – Catalyst and Flock
Do you have a venture you would like to grow, through participating in a supportive, effective program? From September to December Pollinators will be facilitating two distinct programs: Catalyst and Flock. This Lunchtime Lab is to share and discuss the finer details of the: Benefits and testimonials from previous sessions, Learning design and sessions dates, Costs and commitments for participants, Next steps to take to register, for these exciting programs. Both are unique and stand out as the best programs supporting…
Find out more »Webcast: The Edge of Social Impact – live from the Social Impact Festival
Pollinators is partnering with the Social Impact Festival to webcast this session FREE from Perth. Please read details below and register according to your circumstances to join either: In-person at CityHive in Geraldton - Register via Podio (members) or Pollinators website (non-members pay $20), Remotely via GoToTraining - We have a limit of 25 places, and priority will be given to Meshpoints partner hosting sessions in other regional centres - https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/3957148221805436929 Training ID: 910-132-988 - other remote participants can register and confirmation is subject to priorities.…
Find out more »Webcast: The Funding and Sustainability of NFP Organisations – live from the Social Impact Festival
Pollinators is partnering with the Social Impact Festival to webcast this session FREE from Perth. Please read details below and register according to your circumstances to join either: In-person at CityHive in Geraldton - Register via Podio (members) or Pollinators website (non-members pay $20), Remotely via GoToTraining - We have a limit of 25 places, and priority will be given to Meshpoints partner hosting sessions in other regional centres. Registration URL: https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/6274239234973699585 - Training ID: 405-941-724 Other remote participants can register and confirmation is subject to availability --…
Find out more »GovHack Geraldton – Friday kick-off event
The GovHack competition is about using our technical and creative capacity, to build useful things from open data published by government. Put simply, it's like a fun (digital) recycling project, just making beautiful and useful things out of undervalued spreadsheets or datasets rather than spare parts from the tip. Friday night in Geraldton will be an exciting, collaborative event. We've designed this to suit whether you're committing your weekend or just dropping in. At this event, we'll be encouraging participation, throwing around the ideas for data and creating project…
Find out more »GovHack Sunday Night
On Sunday evening we'll come back together to check in with all teams, live stream to Perth so our teams can participate in the state judging, and above all, celebrate what we have been able to learn and achieve in just 2 days. We've designed this to suit whether you've just spent your weekend hacking, or you're just dropping in to see what happens. By Sunday afternoon hundreds of teams from around Australia will have created project pages, proof of concept and videos showing creative re-use…
Find out more »August 2016
August Member Morning Meetup
Morning Meet Ups First Wednesday of every month we share coffee, breakfast and facilitate networking and discussions with other members: Relaxed but professional facilitation to ensure everyone feels at ease while still being productive, Open meeting so you can join when and for how long you choose, Diverse mix of people from across business, government, charities, community groups and more. How to Participate: Register. Free for Members and RSVP via Podio. Non-members pay $20 and RSVP at http://bit.ly/poll_public_rsvp Bring your breakfast. Or enjoy a discount on food and coffee from Jaffle…
Find out more »Lunchtime Labs – Catalyst, Flock and KickStart
Learn how Catalyst, Flock and KickStart can help you launch your new venture.
Find out more »Gero Soup Pitch – Goodness Festival
GeroSoup is an innovative event that crowdfunds support for local innovations and ideas. On each GeroSoup night there may be 3-5 ventures ‘pitched’. Every person in the room not only hears about great ideas, but is their own micro-investor through committing $$ to each of these exciting new ventures.
Find out more »September 2016
September Members Morning Meetup
Get your day off to the right start with a short laughter yoga session as part of our regular members morning meetup, thanks to Pollinators member Robbie Garvey from Red Lime Jones. We'll enjoy a laugh and a stretch before sitting down to coffee to discuss the format for future meet ups and how we can craft them to best suit your needs. -- About Morning Meetups: First Wednesday of every month we share coffee, breakfast and facilitate networking and…
Find out more »Where to next? Spaces for Innovation in the Mid West
You're invited to a special 'Swarm' event, looking at "Where to next? for Spaces for innovation and collaboration in the Mid West" Amazing physical spaces can be powerful enablers of collaboration to achieve outcomes: education, innovation, industry development, social inclusion. Examples include: coworking spaces, men's sheds, youth hubs, industry co-location and NFP co-location. All these spaces have a lot in common in the risks and challenges faced when creating and sustaining them. Armed with five years of experience and new opportunities on the horizon, it's timely for…
Find out more »September Member Social Meetup
Help decide future of innovation hub Join us to consider the future of an innovation hub for Geraldton. We've moved the members' meetup to the earlier time of 5pm to enable members to see the results of a whole afternoon Swarm event dedicated to mapping out the future of an innovation hub in Geraldton. During the Swarm session, from 1.30 to 5pm, the city's movers, shakers, collaborators and Pollinators members will consider future options for CityHive and/or an alternative innovation…
Find out more »Flock – 2016 opening session
Flock will help you and your organisation or venture go further, faster using a mentoring approach with a small group of trusted peers, experienced guest presenters and world-class resources. Apply to join Flock now: http://pollinators.org.au/learning/flock/ In this opening session we will: Learn about learning - principles and practises that have enabled participants to take responsibility for their progress and ensure they get more out of the program than what they put in. This includes action-learning, Identify potential blockers to your learning and participation in the program…
Find out more »October 2016
October Member Lunchtime Meetup
New time and brainstorm for future format After surveying you for preferred monthly meetup times, we've changed our monthly morning meet ups to lunchtime to make it easier for you to attend. And we're welcoming your input into how these networking events can best suit your needs. Bring your lunch and join us for the first lunchtime session to discuss the way forward for these meetups - what you'd like to see occur at them, suggestions for speakers and topics…
Find out more »Innovate with business modelling
Do you have a new or existing venture that needs a kick-start? Pollinators is conducting a workshop to help new and existing ventures to look strategically and creatively at business models and legal structure. The Catalyst business modelling session on Thursday October 13 will help participants experience the benefits of getting clear on their value propositions, customer segments and revenue models. Catalyst Facilitator Fleur Porter said the business planning tools used during the session would reveal new insights into your business…
Find out more »Lunchtime Lab – Online community platforms
Do you run, or are you part of, an online community? Have you thought deeply about the type of platform that hosts this community, and if it best suits your needs? Join us for a Lunchtime Lab to discuss different forms of online communities, their pros and cons, and what would work best for your online community, and ours here at Pollinators. We'll consider platforms including Facebook Groups, Podio, Yammer, Slack and more. About Lunchtime Labs: "Lunchtime Labs" are lunchtime session…
Find out more »October Social Members Meetup – Groundswell
Groundswell Join this month's monthly social meetup to hang out with some great people and learn about the awesome new program - Groundswell. Groundswell will bring big-gun investors and philanthropists to Geraldton on Dec 9 to invest in high-potential ventures. In the lead up to the big day, Pollinators and partners are hosting a series of workshops to help such ventures get ready to make their pitch. Join our members meetup to find out what's involved, and how you can…
Find out more »Show me the money – this week at Catalyst
One-time $50 off normal price offer Money, money, money – what’s your relationship with it, is it working for you, are your bottom lines as high as you’d like them to be? Reduce the fear and uncertainty surrounding money and cashflow, and watch your profits grow, at Pollinators’ next Catalyst session on all things money. With the help of expert speakers you’ll: Learn the financial outcomes for ventures prior to pricing Pricing and pricing models Cashflow forecasting and how to…
Find out more »November 2016
Members’ Lunchtime Meetup – Grant Applications
Monthly Members Lunchtime Meetup – Grant Applications Following a great brainstorming session on making member meetups work best for you, we’re launching the first of the new-style Monthly Members LunchTime Meetups. On the first Wednesday of every month, from next November 2, we’ll be holding the new style meetups – think social networking meets Lunchtime Labs. While catching up over lunch (please bring your own – we’ll be organising a catered lunch option from next month), we will enjoy facilitated…
Find out more »Value Proposition and Marketing – Catalyst
Your Value Proposition & Marketing & Communicating Your Message We'll be working on the Value Proposition Canvas - a really cool way to work out how your products and services can deliver the value your customers want - so you can meet the market AND get centred in the value of your product/service before you start trying to "sell" it. Marketing is essential to the health of your venture but how do you do it in a way that wins…
Find out more »Get On Board – essential briefing for Investment Showcase participants
An ESSENTIAL orientation session for all prospective ventures in the upcoming Greater Geraldton Investment Showcase, including Startup, Growth and Public-Private Projects.
Find out more »Kickstart: Commercialising and Scaling high-growth potential growth ventures
KickStart will inject expert advice and a boost of confidence into your business or innovation. Industry advisors and experienced mentors will present succinct summaries of government support for growth ventures, and be available for one-on-one reviews and guidance to opportunities for your venture. There will be content and experts relevant to high-growth ventures as well as start-ups. Three areas of focus will include: Commercialising - Review options and assumptions underlying your business model and growth pathway, Scaling - Advice…
Find out more »Youngpreneur: Follow your own ideas
For young people: Do you have an idea for a business or a new innovation, but don't really know how to start? Are you stuck on deciding between Uni, TAFE, or getting a job but not excited by any? How about taking some first steps in the direction of being a young entrepreneur, or creating something completely new? Join talented, passionate crew and experienced mentors for an evening of innovation. Within just three hours, you will learn and take action in teams, gaining skills and…
Find out more »Incubation Intensive – get your proposition, pitch and plan sorted
A day of intense incubation for Startup, Growth or Public-Private Infrastructure ventures. An invaluable opportunity to access mentors, experts, peers and advisers and get your value proposition, business plan, and pitch in order. Use this day to kick your venture forward and prepare for participation on 1st and 9th December. Activities will include: Three opportunities to test your proposition and pitch with an audience of peers and mentors, One-on-one opportunities with mentors and advisers, Small group sessions focused on specific aspects of your venture…
Find out more »Where’s the Smart Money Going? – Insights into emerging investment opportunities
Smart investors are recognising the need to diversify their portfolio into high-growth companies, public infrastructure projects and even early-stage startups. Join this session to hear from local and Perth investors who've invested in new ventures in emerging sectors. The session will include: Discussion of what a high-quality investor or mentor can bring to a growing venture Case studies of local ventures that have grown through investment, Presentations and panel discussions from investors, angels and founders, Insights into the risks, deal…
Find out more »December 2016
Pitch to Play: final preparation session for the Greater Geraldton Investor Showcase
Participation in this event is compulsory for all ventures wanting to present at the Showcase on 9th December. This session will give you access to expert coaching on pitches, and last-minute mentoring and advice on your venture and proposal. All participants will be be briefed on the activities planned for the 9th, identifying opportunities and people to connect with, strategies and next steps beyond December. All participants will pitch to a judging panel in the afternoon, with the outcome being a limited number of ventures selected…
Find out more »Pollinators Members Christmas Lunch
As it’s such a hectic time of the year, we’re shifting our normal Friday Social members meet up to Wed Dec 14 from 12.30pm to 1.30pm and we’re sitting down to lunch. I hope you can join us for this chance to reflect on the year, celebrate our achievements and look forward to a fab 2017. Lunch is $15. Hope you can make it.
Find out more »January 2017
January Members Social Meetup – 2017 Planning Session
NB This month’s social meet up has changed date from the third Friday of the month to Thursday January 19 to avoid a clash with the Scinapse After Dark event. It’s planning time people. What events would you like to see this year to help you and your venture grow? How would you like to be involved? Please join us for a planning session as part of our regular monthly Member Social Meetup to ensure you have a say in…
Find out more »February 2017
February Members Social Meetup – Meet the Candidates
Join us for our regular Friday Member Social Meetup to meet four of the local candidates for the State Election. We have Lara Dalton (Labor), Paul Brown (Nationals), Paul Connolly (Greens) and Ian Blayney (Liberal) kindly joining us to talk about their major pre-election pledges, in particular what they plan to do so support innovation. They'll also be available to answer questions and chat. We hope you can join us so you can make an informed vote this election. About Social Meetups:…
Find out more »March 2017
Laneway Revitalisation – Have your say
Join representatives of CBD Property Trust and Pollinators to dream up plans for a revitalised laneway outside CityHive. The redevelopment of the old Lotteries House building on Marine Terrace has presented the opportunity to transform the current construction site into a funky, functional space for West End patrons and residents. Join us for this Swarm event to dream big, think creatively and put forward suggestions to make the laneway the kind of space you’d like to see. Whether it’s art,…
Find out more »March Social Members Meetup – Community Grants and Transformational Circles
Join us for our regular Friday Member Social Meetup to catch up, meet our new Community Lead and to learn about two exciting new member programs. We'll get the inside info on Bendigo Bank's Community Grants program and we'll learn about a new move to bring transformational circle training to the corporate world thanks to our newest member Christine Indersmith. Members RSVP below via Podio, non members pay $5 and RSVP here: http://bit.ly/poll_public_rsvp. About Social Meetups: Every month on the…
Find out more »April 2017
Australia Post Regional Pitchfest Info Session
Pollinators are Hosting an Australia Post Regional Pitchfest Info Session in Geraldton! This is YOUR chance to brush up on your pitch techniques - an essential skill for ALL innovators and entrepreneurs. There will be a FREE 1.5 hour information session at CityHive Wednesday 26th April for individuals who want to enhance their pitch skills and get expert advice. This information session and training event is relevant to all ventures with two immediate options to take your pitch further: Pitchfest entry - At, or after the session (and before…
Find out more »GeroSoup AGM Event
GeroSoup: GeroSoup is an innovative event that crowdfunds support for local innovations and ideas. On the night there will be 3-5 ventures ‘pitched’. Every person in the room not only hears about great ideas but can also invest through committing $$ to each of these exciting new ventures. The meal, venue and event is free thanks to our partners, while the $20 you bring is yours to allocate to your favourite venture pitch. Got a great idea? We want to…
Find out more »May 2017
Emotional Intelligence Workshop by Sandy Gordon
Pollinators will be hosting an interactive workshop presented by renowned Sports Psychologist, Sandy Gordon. May the 4th be with you... Sandy Gordon is an Associate Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology at UWA and a Registered Sport Psychologist. He is a Member of the APS College of Sport and Exercise Psychologists and APS Interest Group in Coaching Psychology. In sport, he has contributed to coach education programs in over ten different countries and has consulted with the Cricket Boards and national…
Find out more »May Networking Lunch – RSM Business Local
Pollinators will be hosting a Networking Lunch at CityHive on Wednesday May 10th, between 12 and 1 pm. The last networking lunch was for members only and lots of interesting conversations and laughs were had. However, this networking lunch will not only be for Pollinators' members, but also open to the public. On the day, there will be a guest speaker, Mike from RSM Business Local who will give a short presentation on what RSM is and the services they provide. So why not network while…
Find out more »Exceptional Presenter Workshop – Paula Smith
Would you like to be a dynamic speaker? Would you like to be a confident, charismatic and influential speaker? The Exceptional Presenter Workshop is one of Paula's signature programmes based on her second book Powerful Presentation Principles. The workshop is designed to be highly interactive combining both the art and science of Powerful Presenting delivered by one of the most highly qualified... experienced and engaging presenters you will find. Thousands of attendees over the years have completed Paula’s speaking programmes.…
Find out more »May Social Meetup – Goodness Festival
About Social Meetups: Every month on the Third Friday, Pollinators host Member Social Meetups that bring together inspiring topics and guests in compelling conversations. We attract thinkers, doers, innovators and creators around a topic of interest, and combine with good food, drink, venues and facilitation to create amazing experiences. This month we will be having two special guests Emma Jackson and Mark Canny who will talk to us about the upcoming Goodness Festival 2017. Any presentations are usually limited to 3 minutes, focusing more time on discussion, debate…
Find out more »June 2017
June Networking Lunch
Pollinators will be hosting a Networking Lunch at CityHive on Wednesday June 14th, between 12 and 1 pm. The last networking lunch featured guest speakers Mike Purslow and David Tyson from RSM Business Local. We had a great turnout with lots of laughs and conversations while getting educated on RSM Business Local and the services they provide local small businesses. This networking lunch, we will get delicious catering from Culinary HQ, so if you want to buy lunch please bring $10 along with you. Of…
Find out more »June Social Meetup
About Social Meetups: Every month on the fourth Friday, Pollinators host Social Meetups that bring together inspiring topics and guests in compelling conversations. We attract thinkers, doers, innovators and creators around a topic of interest, and combine with good food, drink, venues and facilitation to create amazing experiences. Any presentations are usually limited to 3 minutes, focusing more time on discussion, debate and networking. If you are interested in presenting at one of our social meetups or know someone who might be, please let us know! Email buzz@pollinators.org.au How…
Find out more »July 2017
July Networking Lunch – Happiness and Its Causes
Pollinators are inviting ALL members and non-members to join us for a Networking Lunch event in July so why not network while you have lunch and gain more than just a full tummy.. Our guest speaker for this event will be Angie West from Kids Hub who will be sharing her learnings from the "Happiness and Its Causes" conference she attended in Sydney last month. Come along and share conversations on the psychology of happiness, how to enhance your own…
Find out more »Geraldton City Centre Revitalisation Plan – Have your say!
The City of Greater Geraldton Council has recently released a document outlining their Local Planning Policy for our Geraldton City Centre (CBD) Revitalisation. This document was developed in consultation with the community as part of the Growing Greater Geraldton Growth Plan process. The document is currently in draft and will go ahead if there are no submissions received by the closing date. The document provides the initial concepts and is the stepping stone for the development of key actions to…
Find out more »Improving the Impact of your Imagery on Social Media
GET TICKETS NOW! Snapseed — Improving the impact of your imagery on Social Media Do you share photos on social media with the intention of inspiring action such as liking, sharing or buying? Making your image stand out from the rest is critical, and easy to do with Snapseed. Using a few filters and fixes can mean your images catches the eye of your audience and makes them more likely to 'act'. Topics Covered What is Snapseed and why you should use it…
Find out more »July Social Meetup: Ministry of Data Launch Party!
This Social Meetup will be bittersweet as we say goodbye to our long-standing Chair, Paul Dyer. Please join us at CityHive THIS FRIDAY as we say farewell and a massive thank you to Paul for all his hard work and commitment to bettering the Geraldton Community. About Social Meetups: Every month on the fourth Friday, Pollinators host Social Meetups that bring together inspiring topics and guests in compelling conversations. We attract thinkers, doers, innovators and creators around a topic of interest, and combine with good…
Find out more »August 2017
Storytelling for Businesses Workshop – Networking Lunch
Learn how to use storytelling in your business Pollinators member, long-time journo and founder of Inspired Magazine Samille Mitchell has launched a new online writing course and is keen to share some of her storytelling secrets with Pollinators members and alike. Samille will be hosting a FREE one-hour workshop on how to use storytelling in your business, as part of our Pollinators Networking Lunch on Wednesday August 9. Be sure to bring your laptop, or a pen and paper, as…
Find out more »GeroSoup – Pledge for Goodness
Are you a group doing amazing things for your community? Come to Cityhive THIS FRIDAY for our GeroSoup - Pledge for Goodness and "share the goodness" you are doing in your community! Pollinators' GeroSoup Pledge for Goodness event is not only an evening of community ideas, great food and drink but also a chance to learn more about the upcoming Goodness Festival 2017! Goodness Festival The Goodness Festival 2017 was created to inspire and engage more than 3000 people in science,…
Find out more »August Social Meetup
About Social Meetups: Every month on the fourth Friday, Pollinators host Social Meetups that bring together inspiring topics and guests in compelling conversations. We attract thinkers, doers, innovators and creators around a topic of interest, and combine with good food, drink, venues and facilitation to create amazing experiences. Any presentations are usually limited to 3 minutes, focusing more time on discussion, debate and networking. Ministry of Data: Initiated from within government, and led by a group of Perth's entrepreneurs, Ministry of Data's goal is to help connect government agencies…
Find out more »September 2017
September Networking Lunch with Geraldton Pottery Club
Pollinators are inviting ALL members and non-members to join us for a networking lunch event in September. Why not network while you have lunch and gain more than just a full tummy. This Networking Lunch will be total pottery, as CityHive will have a representative along to talk about the local, Geraldton Pottery Club! Come on down to find out more and become part of the group. We will get yummy catering, so if you would like lunch supplied, please bring…
Find out more »September Social Meetup
About Social Meetups: On the fourth Friday of every month, Pollinators host Social Meetups that bring together inspiring topics and guests in compelling conversations. We attract thinkers, doers, innovators and creators around a topic of interest, and combine with good food, drink, venues and facilitation to create amazing experiences. Any presentations are time limited, focusing more time on discussion, debate, and networking. This meetup will have special guest (and Pollinators member) Tom Gorman from Beacon Business Growth Solutions share his…
Find out more »October 2017
Q&A with Brad Farmer (Global Beach Ambassador)
Pollinators are inviting ALL to join us for a Q & A session with Brad Farmer: Global Ambassador / Beach Reviewer / Advocate for Special Projects. Brad Farmer of UNITED RELATIONS is a seasoned communications expert, problem solver and special projects adviser. UNITED RELATIONS is a strategic, broad-based communications service available to NGOs, corporates, governments and private enterprise. Brad Farmer has had engagements in over 30 countries. He has worked on many projects including the Nobel Peace and Literature Prize…
Find out more »October Networking Lunch with Songwriters Syndicate
Pollinators are inviting ALL to join us for a networking lunch event in October. Why not network while you have lunch and gain more than just a full tummy. This Networking Lunch will be musically inclined, as Tony Turner will be in CityHive to talk about the Songwriters Syndicate, a local club for songwriters and musicians. Come on down to find out more, and become part of the group. Visit their Facebook page to find out more> We will…
Find out more »October Social Meetup – Hear Me Out Geraldton
About Social Meetups: Pollinators host one Social Meetup each month that bring together inspiring topics and guests in compelling conversations. We attract thinkers, doers, innovators and creators around a topic of interest, and combine with good food, drink, venues and facilitation to create amazing experiences. Any presentations are time limited, focusing more time on discussion, debate, and networking. This meetup will have special guest (and Pollinators members/coworkers) Lee and Reece from Hear Me Out Geraldton - a local podcast in…
Find out more »November 2017
November Networking Lunch
Pollinators are inviting ALL members to join us for a networking lunch event in November. Why not network while you have lunch and gain more than just a full tummy. Each Networking Lunch is hosted by a different member or coworker. This Networking Lunch will be hosted by Rebecca Davidson and will focus on Geraldton Community Energy. Geraldton Community Energy is a community led development of a locally driven energy enterprise looking to launch initially to provide energy within Geraldton…
Find out more »November Social Meetup
About Social Meetups: Pollinators host one Social Meetup each month that bring together inspiring topics and guests in compelling conversations. We attract thinkers, doers, innovators and creators around a topic of interest, and combine with good food, drink, venues and facilitation to create amazing experiences. Any presentations are time limited, focusing more time on discussion, debate, and networking. This Social Meetup we will have special guest Janice Carr talk about local venture Boomerang Bags and Joshua Foster to talk about his…
Find out more »Lunchtime Lab with Hayley Wells
Join Hayley Wells at Cityhive as she shares the trials, tribulations & success of social media for her venture; Illegal Tender Rum Co. Since starting Illegal Tender Rum Co. Hayley and Codie have achieved a lot, including being finalists for the 2017 Australia Post Regional Pitchfest. It is amazing to have a finalist so close to home and hopefully their story will inspire more locals in the Mid West to also pursue their ventures. This is a great opportunity to share social media…
Find out more »December 2017
Facebook Holiday Planning and Posting Workshop
Red Spark Communications is partnering together with Pollinators to bring you this great training: Facebook Holiday Planning and Posting Workshop - make it work for you and your business. Learn some easy systems and tools to make planning ahead for your Facebook a lot easier. Don't want to lose all of your Facebook engagement over the Christmas/New Year period? Let's create your plan today. Walk away with a posting plan for the rest of December and into January. It will…
Find out more »December Networking Lunch
Pollinators are inviting ALL members and non-members to join us for a networking lunch event in December. Why not network while you have lunch and gain more than just a full tummy... We will be having a bring-and-share style lunch, so please bring along a plate of yummy food to share. This Networking Lunch we will have special guest (and new Pollinators member, Mick Steffan) in to share with us a bit about his own business, Indian Ocean Financial Services: a…
Find out more »How To Use Podio Morning Tea
This event is for Members and Coworkers of Pollinators, new and old, who want to learn how to utilise Podio; our online networking platform for connecting members who want to collaborate. We will spend about an hour going over Podio's unique features such as; How to navigate your workspaces Change the notifications you receive Chat with other members Log in your hours for coworking. The event will run on Monday the 11th of December, from 10 to 11 am, so we…
Find out more »December Social Meetup
Pollinators will be partnering with the Mid West Science Engagement Group; Scinapse for our final Social Meetup of the year. This Social Meetup will be an opportunity for members and coworkers to share their learnings and successes in 2017. We will have live music from Songwriters Syndicate and delicious catering from Tarts&Co. Please email buzz@pollinators.org.au if you are interested in sharing your learnings from 2017 at this Social Meetup. About Social Meetups: Pollinators host one Social Meetup each month that…
Find out more »January 2018
January Networking Lunch – LoveGeraldton
Pollinators are inviting ALL members and non-members to join us for a networking lunch event in January. Why not network while you have lunch and gain more than just a full tummy? We will be having a bring-and-share style lunch, so please bring along a plate of yummy food to share. This Networking Lunch we will have special guest and member Jackie Gill in to talk with us about her venture; LoveGeraldton. Please bring your favourite photograph or picture of Geraldton to…
Find out more »Lunchtime Lab with Paula Fletcher
Join Paula Fletcher, Creative Director of Heartwalk Kalgoorlie, in CityHive for a Lunchtime Lab where we will discover the talent and design behind HeartWalk, and how the first large-scale public art project of its kind in the WA Goldfields came to be. This is a great opportunity to learn about the mural festival, happening again in the week of the 30th April - 5th May 2018. The festival will include workshops, an artist Q&A night, free walking tours, and more! This event will be FREE…
Find out more »January Social Meetup – Funtavia
This Social Meetup will be "Funtavia - themed" to celebrate the highly anticipated and exciting festival coming to Geraldton as part of Fringe World. For more information on this awesome event and the laughable lineup, visit their website and come along to this Social Meetup! Funtavia will take place over 3 jam-packed days - 8th, 9th & 10th of February in 2018. About Social Meetups: Pollinators host one Social Meetup each month that bring together inspiring topics and guests in compelling conversations. We…
Find out more »February 2018
February Networking Lunch – Valentines Day Special
If you love gardening, then Stan is your man and this is the event for you! About Networking Lunches: Pollinators are inviting ALL members and non-members to join us for a networking lunch event in February. Why not network while you have lunch and gain more than just a full tummy? This Networking Lunch: Seeing as it is Valentine's Day, we will be having a bring-and-share style lunch to "share the love", so please bring along a plate of yummy…
Find out more »February Social Meetup | Book Launch & Signing
This Social Meetup will be trialed on a Thursday night as apposed to our usual Friday night. It will be dedicated to our wonderful coworker Kate Thompson who has just published her first book (most of which was written in CityHive) - Congratulations Kate! A bit about Kate & Her New Novel: Kate Venn is an indie author living in Geraldton. She is a part-time lawyer, deckie, mediator and full-time FIFO mum. FIFO'd is Kate Venn's first novel. It is…
Find out more »Lunchtime Lab with RSM Business Local
A 3-Stage approach to starting up and running a successful business – An interactive working lunch session Starting a new business is an exciting time, however success of start-ups depends heavily on being financially prepared to weather the start-up storm. While there is no single pill that fixes all, by attending this free lunch lab, you will gain practical tools to: Assess viability of your idea Determine the cost of getting your business up and running. Securing finance; and Structure your business and take your product or service to market. Remember though, these are the absolute minimum requirements to set up for business success. If you want to survive and thrive, we recommend that once you book a place at this free lunch lab. The workshop covers all the essentials of starting your own business. Steeve Poligadu and Mike…
Find out more »March 2018
March Networking Lunch with Gemma Moore
About Networking Lunches: Pollinators are inviting ALL members and non-members to join us for a networking lunch event in March. So why not network while you have lunch and gain more than just a full tummy? Please bring your lunch to CityHive for this event and get the most out of your lunch break! This Networking Lunch: We will have new Pollinators member Gemma Moore in to talk with us about her venture; Red Spark Communications Gemma Moore is the founder…
Find out more »March Social Meetup – Flash Marketing ‘Grand Opening’
This Social Meetup will be hosted by Pollinators super member, Katarina Smelikova and will see the launch and 'grand opening' of her business "Flash Marketing" in Creative Hub. SPECIAL OFFER FOR MEMBERS - Along with being a marketing expert, Katarina is also a very talented photographer. As a special offer for Pollinators members who attend this social meetup, you will go in the draw to win a FREE Business Portrait! We will draw TWO winners on the night who will have to book…
Find out more »April 2018
April Networking Lunch – Clayton + Weir
About Networking Lunches: Pollinators are inviting ALL members and non-members to join us for a networking lunch event in April. So why not network while you have lunch and gain more than just a full tummy? This Networking Lunch: We will have new Pollinators coworkers Julie Weir and Priscilla Clayton to talk with us about their venture; Clayton + Weir. In 2015 former work colleagues Priscilla and Julie embarked on an adventure and formed Clayton + Weir, a regional development consultancy based…
Find out more »April Social Meetup – Take Joy Seriously
This Social Meetup will be hosted by new Pollinators member and coworker Ersillia; Personal and Business Development Facilitator and Consultant for Take Joy Seriously. Supporting people to evolve, clarify and transform their thoughts, ideas and emotions into actions and opportunities. This is sure to be a truly "joyful" occasion with a short presentation on 'Joy at Work'and why cultivate it, as well as some fun games and challenges. About Social Meetups: Pollinators host one Social Meetup each month that bring together inspiring topics…
Find out more »May 2018
May Networking Lunch – MindLove Studio
About Networking Lunches: Pollinators are inviting ALL members and non-members to join us for a networking lunch event in May. So why not network while you have lunch and gain more than just a full tummy? This Networking Lunch: We will have new Pollinators coworker Deb Clark to talk with us about her venture, MindLove Studio. At MindLove Studio we offer the latest in Neuro Balance, Focus + Strength with our neurofeedback system, counteracting the effects of stress on our health. Deb's discoveries,…
Find out more »Lunchtime Q&A with Co-founder of You Plate It
Paul Baumgartner is a young entrepreneur based in Perth but has recently been coworking in CityHive while in town. Paul is the Co-founder of successful startup You Plate It. You Plate It delivers recipe kits throughout Perth (a recipe kit is a recipe and all the ingredients needed to cook it). The business was started by Paul Baumgartner and Mark Rawlings in 2014 as a side project whilst working full time. It soon turned into their full time jobs, moved to larger premises…
Find out more »May Social Meetup – Hope Springs Community Farm & Sun City Produce
This Social Meetup will be hosted by Pollinators members and sponsors; Hope Community Services who will share their soup, and the journey of their venture "Hopes Springs Community Farm." Bao Nguyen, giving a presentation on his business Sun City Produce. Hopes Community Services are the main sponsors of this event, providing homemade soup and bread for what is sure to be a great night. "For over a century, Hope Community Services has been providing much needed support to people affected by alcohol…
Find out more »June 2018
June Networking Lunch – Real Food, Real You
About Networking Lunches: Pollinators are inviting ALL members and non-members to join us for a networking lunch event in June. So why not network while you have lunch and gain more than just a full tummy? This Networking Lunch: Join Pollinators member Kate Tonkin for lunch as she answers the question on everybody's lips.... "Am I Skinny Enough?" - the dangers of our quest for the perfect body and how to be brave enough to stop Kate started her venture…
Find out more »Pollinators GeroSoup & AGM – Postponed to June!
AGM Pollinators is inviting everyone to join us for our AGM or "Awesome Gathering of Members". Pollinators Inc is a member-based Incorporated Association and it the annual AGM is required so members can consider the accounts of the organisation, elect new Directors and consider any other business. GeroSoup GeroSoup is an innovative event that crowdfunds support for local innovations and ideas that benefit the wider community. On the night there will be 3-5 ventures ‘pitched’. Every person in the room not only…
Find out more »July 2018
July Networking Lunch – CityHive Brainstorm!
About Networking Lunches: Pollinators are inviting ALL members and non-members to join us for a networking lunch event in June. So why not network while you have lunch and gain more than just a full tummy? This Networking Lunch: Seeing as we haven't had an opportunity recently for members and coworkers to come together and brainstorm, we thought this would be a great time to do so! Please bring your lunch along and feel free to give your latest opinions…
Find out more »Podio Tips & Tricks – Morning Tea Session
Kickstart your week with Podio knowledge!... This event is for Members and Coworkers of Pollinators, new and old, who want to learn how to utilise Podio; our online networking platform for connecting members who want to collaborate. We will spend about 45 minutes going over Podio’s unique features such as; How to navigate your workspaces Change the notifications you receive Chat with other members Log in your hours for coworking. If you have any specific questions about Podio, now is the time…
Find out more »July Social Meetup – Goodness Festival 2018 Launch Party!
This Social Meetup will be hosted by Pollinators members; Scinapse (the Mid West Science Engagement Group) who are organising the regional science festival Goodness 2018! This event will be dedicated to raising awareness of this awesome local event that brings science, sustainability and innovation to our region, and will feature a launch of the program. Lots of amazing science events coming your way Geraldton! For more information, visit www.goodness.org.au About Social Meetups: Pollinators host one Social Meetup each month that bring together inspiring…
Find out more »August 2018
August Networking Lunch – Bendigo Bank
About Networking Lunches: Pollinators are inviting ALL members and non-members to join us for a networking lunch event in August. So why not network while you have lunch and gain more than just a full tummy? This Networking Lunch: Pollinators welcomes our members from Bendigo Bank: Geraldton Community Bank to host our August Networking Lunch to share some stories on the community bank that gives back. Come and hear how this local organisation is supporting YOU (social enterprises in Geraldton).…
Find out more »Goodness Festival 2018
Goodness Festival is the regional festival all about science, sustainability and innovation. Hear from Astrophysicist Natasha Hurley-Walker on using radio waves to explore the distant reaches of the Universe, discover the unseen science happening around Geraldton on a secret spaces tour, and bring the family to the Tools of the Trade Discovery Day at the Geraldton Regional Trade Training Centre. Having engaged more than 6,000 people last year, the Goodness Festival 2018 - dedicated to science, sustainability and innovation is shaping…
Find out more »DIY Website Training with Squarespace
Pollinators in partnership with Coworker and Graphic Designer Liam Richards invites you to CityHive on Monday, August the 13th for exclusive website training using Squarespace. In this workshop, you will learn how to: Create an account and start trialling your own website Build a homepage and contact page Adjust the style of your website if time allows Only $20 +gst for members and $35 +gst for non-members. Bring your own LAPTOP!! Pre-purchase of ticket essential. Ticket sales close 4 pm…
Find out more »Be Connected – Online Connectivity Workshop
Be Connected is an Australia-wide free initiative empowering all Australians to thrive in a digital world. Discover how being online can add new skills and experiences to your life. Including but not exclusive to: Using the internet safely and avoiding scams Make a video phone call to anyone for free Setting up and using an email account Call to register your interest with Pollinators on 9965 5371. Visit the BeConnected website for more information.
Find out more »August Social Meetup – Geraldton Community Energy
This Social Meetup will be presented by Becci Davidson, a member of the Geraldton Community Energy Steering Committee. This is an opportunity for Geraldton residents to hear about a new electricity retailer ‘Geraldton Community Energy’, which is being established to: Lower the cost of electricity for Geraldton residents and businesses, Increase the use of renewable energy, Create local job opportunities and, Provide an opportunity for money already spent on electricity in Geraldton to stay with a local business and help…
Find out more »Morning Tea for Me
You all are working with enormous brain power. The pollinators space is liberating, the talk is intelligent and friendly with so much happening, and so much positive energy... But sometimes we can still feel a little isolated, even when we're surrounded by people. We want to start having regular workshops where we can share some ideas, overcome hurdles, help each other and drink a little coffee. We want more true collaboration, more innovation, and more working together. Please Note: At this…
Find out more »September 2018
TED Talk + Toastie (September Networking Lunch)
Pollinators is switching it up this September by having a TED Talk and Toastie Networking Lunch. Got an awesome TED Talk in mind? Please send it through to buzz@pollinators.org.au CityHive will supply the bread - please bring your favourite 'toastie fillings' so we can all make toasties and watch some inspiring TED talks while having a good old fashioned yarn. About Networking Lunches: Pollinators are inviting ALL members and non-members to join us for a networking lunch event in June. So why…
Find out more »Ecotourism Incubator – Basecamp
Please join us on the 12th of September from 5:30 - 6:30pm as we have a community information session on this exciting new Ecotourism Incubator. Come along to CityHive to hear more about Basecamp - An Incubator designed to facilitate the opening of new economic opportunities for the region through the development of entrepreneurial capacity, via education, mentor, and expert engagement. Basecamp Ecotourism Incubator will harness the Mid West’s natural, physical and cultural assets. The incubator will be a living laboratory…
Find out more »September Social Meetup – Red.Cream.Yellow
This Social Meetup we will hear from one of our newest members Lisa Bickley as she shares with us her new and exciting venture Red.Cream.Yellow. or RCY for short. What is the RCY Framework? RCY stands for Red.Cream.Yellow: 3 simple states of being. RCY is a framework that challenges your thinking by connecting you to how your body feels at any given moment. Who should attend? Anyone who is seeking to unleash the happiness in themselves and their team -…
Find out more »October 2018
TED Talk and Toastie (October Networking Lunch)
Pollinators is keeping on with our TED Talk and Toastie Networking Lunch this October. Got an awesome TED Talk in mind? Please send it through to buzz@pollinators.org.au CityHive will supply the bread – please bring your favourite ‘toastie fillings’ so we can all make toasties and watch some inspiring TED talks while having a good old fashioned yarn. About Networking Lunches: Pollinators are inviting ALL members and non-members to join us for a networking lunch event in October. So why…
Find out more »November 2018
Morning Tea for Me – True Collaboration
You all are working with enormous brain power. The pollinators space is liberating, the talk is intelligent and friendly with so much happening, and so much positive energy... But sometimes we can still feel a little isolated, even when we're surrounded by people. We want to start having regular workshops where we can share some ideas, overcome hurdles, help each other and drink a little coffee. We want more true collaboration, more innovation, and more working together. A huge thanks…
Find out more »TED Talk + Toastie (November Networking Lunch)
Pollinators is keeping on with our TED Talk and Toastie Networking Lunch this November. Got an awesome TED Talk in mind? Please send it through to buzz@pollinators.org.au CityHive will supply the bread – please bring your favourite ‘toastie fillings’ so we can all make toasties and watch some inspiring TED talks while having a good old fashioned yarn. About Networking Lunches: Pollinators are inviting ALL members and non-members to join us for a networking lunch event in November. So why not network…
Find out more »December 2018
Lunchtime Lab – Midwest Adventure Tours
Come help Pollinators' newest member, Cameron Williams develop adventure tour ideas for a girls weekend getaway. Cameron is currently working on his new tourism venture; Midwest Adventure Tours - please bring your lunch along and support him in his journey. Midwest Adventures is all about discovering the best of Geraldton and the Midwest with personalised guided tours. Cameron is looking to provide a boutique experience for women on a girls weekend. With a time frame of about 2 hrs he…
Find out more »January 2019
Morning Tea for Me – Goals for the New Year
This Morning Tea for Me will be dedicated to helping you set up your goals for the New Year and work out how you will achieve them... You all are working with enormous brain power. The pollinators space is liberating, the talk is intelligent and friendly with so much happening, and so much positive energy... But sometimes we can still feel a little isolated, even when we're surrounded by people. We want to start having regular workshops where we can…
Find out more »February 2019
Imagining the Houtman Abrolhos as a Sustainable Tourism Destination
NATURE-BASED TOURISM AT THE HOUTMAN ABROLHOS ISLANDS Forum - Presented by the Houtman Abrolhos Conservation Network and Pollinators on Tuesday 5 February 2018. 1:00 PM - Sustainable Nature-based Tourism and managing tourist visitation to seabird breeding islands Associate Professor David Newsome, Murdoch University David Newsome is an environmental scientist with expertise in wildlife tourism, geotourism and the biophysical impacts of natural area tourism. 2:OO PM -Science and conservation based ecotourism. What it takes and what it can contribute. Dr…
Find out more »Pollinators Quiz Night!
Please join Pollinators for a Geraldton-themed Quiz Night hosted by Midwest Adventure Tours! This is a free event but please bring a gold coin donation for Geraldton Voluntary Tour Guides. Please bring a small gift (worth $5) each which will go in a hamper to be given to the winning team at the end of the night. There will be 4 rounds but there can only be 1 winning group... - Please RSVP via Eventbrite - Light catering provided -…
Find out more »March 2019
Be Connected – FREE Technology Sessions
Be Connected is an Australia wide initiative empowering all Australians to thrive in a digital world, offering online learning resources as well as a Network of community partners like Pollinators. The FREE sessions offer in-person support so you can develop your digital skills and confidence. Older Australians with low internet skills can often feel isolated from their community and family at a time in their lives when feeling connected is increasingly important. Be Connected aims to change that through a family and community centred approach;…
Find out more »TED Talk + Toastie (March Networking Lunch)
Pollinators is keeping on with our TED Talk and Toastie Networking Lunch this March. Got an awesome TED Talk in mind? Please send it through to buzz@pollinators.org.au CityHive will supply the bread – please bring your favourite ‘toastie fillings’ so we can all make toasties and watch some inspiring TED talks while having a good old fashioned yarn. About Networking Lunches: Pollinators are inviting ALL members and non-members to join us for a networking lunch event in March. So why not network while…
Find out more »Lunch & Learn – Geraldton Community Energy
Join Pollinators and Geraldton Community Energy for an informative and interactive Lunch & Learn session on Wednesday the 20th of March from 12:30 - 1:30pm. Learn how to get cheaper, greener and more reliable energy right here in the Midwest! Geraldton Community Energy is a start-up, community based ‘profit-for-purpose’ electricity retail enterprise, driven by a focused group of local community members, who are aiming to address a number of energy issues facing our local community. Please RSVP!
Find out more »March Social Meetup – Join the Goodness Army!
Please join Pollinators and Scinapse for our March Social Meetup on Friday the 22nd of March to learn everything about Goodness 2019 and how you can get involved! Goodness is the Mid West Festival for science, sustainability and innovation. Pollinators attract thinkers, doers, innovators and creators around a topic of interest, and combine with good food, drink, venues and facilitation to create amazing experiences. Any presentations are time-limited, focusing more time on discussion, debate, and networking. Enjoy the Food: - Light…
Find out more »After Dark In Ancient Rome
After a sell-out “Scitech After Dark” event in 2017, Scinapse brings you Scinapse After Dark in Ancient Rome at the Museum of Geraldton. Come and immerse yourself in the new Ancient Rome: The Empire that Shaped the World Touring Exhibition of incredible machines, art and technology. With artefacts, models, catapults, frescoes, armour, weapons, busts, and much more, this exhibition is a must-see! This event is Ancient Rome themed so please dress up – Best dressed on the night will win an awesome door prize. You can…
Find out more »May 2019
Web Girls – A free coding workshop for women
Geraldton{web}Girls is a free full-day coding workshop for women, backed by leading industry mentors. No prior experience necessary - suitable for ages 5 through to 80. This free workshop and includes lunch and a cupcake. RSVP now to secure your place!
Find out more »